How do I protect my motorcycle or scooter from damage?

Who does not know it? You go unsuspectingly to your motorcycle or scooter and discover scratches, rust, heavy dirt and other negative changes on it. It doesn’t always have to be the long service life over the winter that has surprises in store for you. Vandalism, environmental and weather influences or the carelessness of others can suddenly hit you even during the season. I’ll introduce you to 3 options for tarpaulins for indoors and outdoors.

Motoblogx introduces you to clothing, accessories and accessories for you and your motorcycle. Find your new motorcycle clothing here and ride your motorcycle in style.
Copyright by LOUIS
Motoblogx introduces you to clothing, accessories and accessories for you and your motorcycle. Find your new motorcycle clothing here and ride your motorcycle in style.
Copyright by Louis

The INDOOR LOUIS VCI FOLDING GARAGE with corrosion protection

If you have a garage or protected carport and want to put away your motorcycle or scooter over the winter months, then LOUIS VCI-FALTGARAGE is recommended. It is more than just a tarpaulin, because it also protects against condensation and thus also against rusting. If it is closed, the VCI agent creates a protective atmosphere and preserves almost every motorcycle up to size 2XL. The active ingredient behaves neutrally towards plastics. When spring comes and the LOUIS VCI FALTGARAGE is unpacked, you don’t even have to clean your machine like you would after using conventional anti-corrosion sprays.

Motoblogx introduces you to clothing, accessories and accessories for you and your motorcycle. Find your new motorcycle clothing here and ride your motorcycle in style.
Copyright by LOUIS

The OUTDOOR COVER SOFT is the classic variant

Who doesn’t know them… Softshell jackets. Long established in fashion and utility clothing because it is so versatile. LOUIS has developed an OUTDOOR COVER HOOD called SOFT from Softshell. It protects your motorcycle or scooter from dirt, dust and carelessness. Thanks to the material, the cover is breathable and allows accumulated moisture to escape. Is it too exhausting for you to cover your machine every time? I believe you, but have you ever had to park under trees in summer? Or do you even live on a street with many trees? Then I recommend an outdoor cover for your motorcycle or scooter.

Motoblogx introduces you to clothing, accessories and accessories for you and your motorcycle. Find your new motorcycle clothing here and ride your motorcycle in style.
Copyright by LOUIS

The recycling product: OUTDOOR COVER RETHINK

This cover by LOUIS is a nice contribution to environmental protection. Nature and the environment will thank you because it is made from recycled PET bottles. Since the hood is very robust and resistant and has a relatively high weight, it must have been quite a few recycled bottles. The “ReThink” cover has everything that is expected of it, as it reliably keeps out rain, dust, weather influences, road dirt and prying eyes. Ventilation openings prevent the formation of condensation and reflective material ensures that your covered vehicle is clearly visible in poor visibility and in the dark. With chain lock bushing and fastening strap. Available in two sizes.

I hope that introducing these 3 different ways to protect your machine has informed and inspired you. If it’s not your final solution yet, then visit the LOUIS online shop without obligation and find the right product for you. Have lots of fun with it…

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